
§  Delivery of a leaflet (inclusive oral instruction of the leaflet: background information and step-by-step instruction in the s.c. injection technique)

§  Delivery of a manual (brief summary of the sequential steps of an s.c. injection)

§  Delivery of a kit (20 alcohol swabs, cotton swabs, and plasters)

§  Oral instruction in s.c. injection technique

§  Injection training into a “phantom” (injection pillow; PharmaDesign Inc., Warren, NJ, USA; delivered by Pfizer AG)

§  Instruction in the injection technique using a commercial video (CD-ROM or website)

§  (First) self-injection in the presence of a pharmacist (at patient’s individual injection time)

§  (First) injection administered by a pharmacist (ClinS-I: primary investigator; DailyS-I: trained community pharmacist)